Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Keeping Track of Hand-Me-Downs

It's Works for me Wednesday again at Rocks in my Dryer, and here is my little contribution:

I have all these great enormous plastic bins of hand-me-downs, all sorted by age and stored, of course, in the most inaccessable closet in the house. For a while, every time One outgrew something, it would either stay in his dresser, where he would repeatedly try to wear it and I would just as repeatedly send him back upstairs for something else, or I would make a pile somewhere (like the chair in my bedroom - I love piles).

Now I've put a small plastic bin in the most accessable closet upstairs - the linen closet in the hall - and when something is too small I drop it in there. The bin takes a few months to fill up; when it's full I make the trek to the farthest closet in the house (hint: it's over the garage) and dump the little bin out. Very simple, and I have a chair to sit on in the bedroom again. Or I do until I pile the ironing there, anyway.


ohhollyf said...

Oh hand-me-downs, what a luv/hate relationship I have with them. Right now my car trunk is full of some from freecycle. I like your idea, and am going to give it a try, holly

Tari said...

I'm so glad! I only one set to keep track of - from my older boy to my younger - and I am barely capacble of that. I don't know what I'd do if I had more kids!

Jodi said...

I need to work on this - my entire guest bed is covered in winter clothes my little guy has outgrown that need to be put back for teh future...I so struggle with organization!

Tari said...

I once got a "needs improvement" on my filing abilities on a performance review, so I'm not sure how I figured this one out.