Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Team Rubicon in Haiti
Who they need (very precisely): ER doctor types plus pediatric skills EMT's. Security element still necessary need former military with combat experience and trauma skills, a school teacher would be a good addition as we transition
One way or the other, make sure you check out their blog. I don't know any of these men personally, but I'm impressed by all brave Americans who jump in and get in done in time of need. These are those guys.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Official Diet Update: One Week
From now on I'll update this every 2 weeks, since there's bound to be weeks where nothing moves, and that's too depressing to think about, much less write about.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Mission to Haiti: Help if you Can
Please donate if you feel led to. You can do so by clicking here.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
The BFF God
I used to know this God, or at least I spent a lot of time in churches listening to people talk about him. Christian radio is actually the best place to hear about him, and I spent some time listening to that too. When I sat in those chuches and listened to those songs, was I worshipping the One who created the universe? No. Was I becoming more holy - more like him? Sinning less? Thinking less of myself and more of him and of others? No, and no, and no. What was I doing instead? Simply creating a God I could live with, rather than worshipping the one who literally breathed life into me - both temporal and spiritual life, as a matter of fact.
I can't say that since I stopped listening to people tell me that God was my BFF I've become more holy, or sinned less, or generally become anything more than a marginally better person. But I have done one thing. I've started to actually worship the most powerful, almighty, all-knowing God - the Uncreated One. And that's a step in the right direction, however small.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Promises, Promises
Now, I'm in Texas, right? So you're sure that I'm talking about candidates for Texas state office, aren't you?
Nope. Vermont.
See, it seems that some Vermonters were sure that socialist utopia was going to manifest itself the minute President Obama took office. And since it has yet to materialize, they're tired of waiting and are prepared to take matters into their own hands. And, one would assume, deliver said utopia to the citizens of Vermont tout suite.
Good luck with that, guys.
HT: Instapundit.
Adventures in Keeping Warm
As you can see from the picture above and my last post, we spent last Thursday through Sunday at Disney World.
In the cold. The extreme, "Arctic blast" of cold. The "wear 2 sweaters, a scarf, gloves and a hat" cold that descended on even sunny Florida last week.
And we had fun anyway.
With the exception of Saturday, when rain and 40° temperatures made even Epcot impossible (the key cold weather choice - it has more than 15 indoor activities. I counted) we spent every day at the parks. Two full days at the Magic Kingdom and one - more of a half day - at the Animal Kingdom.
I must confess that I am head-over-heels in love with Disney World. Especially the Magic Kingdom, where every single happy memory of my childhood seems to coalesce until I am a pushy, over-excited six year old who wants nothing more than to ride Peter Pan's Flight eight times in one day. I blame my parents, who took me to the Magic Kingdom when I was 2, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. Aaah, spoiled only-childhood, how I love parts of thee so very, very much.
This time, I did curb my excesses to some extent (although it was really, really hard to do so on that first day) and a good time was had by all four of us. And Husband is really the most patient man on the planet, which helps at times like these.
So here we are, frolicking away. Please feel free to enjoy the fun (and the cold) vicariously. I know I do, every time I re-review the pictures.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Day One
Blech. For sake of comparison, here I am almost 13 years ago, on my wedding day**:
Yes, I will agree: the little imp next to me in the first picture would be worth almost any number of pounds, as would his delightful older brother. But I was within 10 pounds of my weight on my wedding day within 6 months of each delivery; I am now 25 pounds heavier than that. A diet has become mandatory. I refuse to limp pathetically into 40 this June at the weight I am currently.
I am posting this because I need some help. Call it accountability, transparency - what you will - but I need to know that someone (even if it's only one of my five readers) is wondering occasionally "what on earth is going on with Tari and that diet? I bet you $20 she quit." And hopefully I will not have quit, but instead will be posting uplifting updates here on my glorious lack of pounds.
Wish me luck.
*Why, yes, that is Disney World! More on that coming soon.
**And just in case you're thinking "sure, she was skinny on her wedding day - ALL brides diet before the big day" I must correct you. Husband asked me on a Monday and we were married that Friday - not much time for Weight Watchers.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Quick Twitch Muscles
They race:
And One is victorious. He shouts "I won, I won!" And when I chide him for bragging he explains that he has won over his little brother maybe "5 times in the 50" they have raced ... in the past week, since Two shook off his training wheels.
Triumph is sweet, especially when it doesn't come every day.
But Two is still fast:
Especially having left the training wheels behind, next to the dirty laundry.
A Death in the Family
Over the Chrismas holidays, while all of us ate, drank and made merry, a knife was stuck in between the ribs of the best bookstore in Houston, and it quietly closed down.
Farewell to the Alabama Bookstore, the best bookstore in Houston for many years. Housed in an old theater, it was a book-browser's and buyer's heaven. I can't count the hours I spent wandering up and down the gentle slope of the former main aisle of the theater, looking and reading and buying my heart out. When I was pregnant with One, Husband and I hauled bags and bags of books out of there, eager to turn our firstborn into a lover of books (ed: hey - it worked). When One (and then Two) grew older, we discovered it had the best children's book selection in town. Even after it was taken over by Barnes and Noble, it retained much of its character - and it always - always - had a much finer selection than any other bookstore in town.
Now it is gone, presumably due to the proximity of a new 40 billion square foot bookstore on West Grey. Hopefully someone as visionary as the original Alabama Bookstore people will take over the space and make something as interesting and good out of it. One can, of course, always pray for a miracle.