Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Just a Question or Two

If you decide to start a Christian camp for families in the Ozarks, why do you name it K-Kaua'i - Kanakuk Family Kamp? Do you call it the KKKFK for short, the KKFK, or just the KK ... oh, never mind. And then do you call your guests "Kampers"? Really, you do? Wow.

Call me crazy, but I'm just guessing that they don't get a lot of black families lining up to spend $4000+ per week at their "Kamp". Just a hunch ...


Elizabeth Channel said...

I don't know, but we just became friends with a couple who met there as youths and got married and their boy is going there this summer.

He's 8.

Maybe he'll find his future mate.

Tari said...

And if he does, they can name their children only "K" names.

We know some people who go there, too, but I can't for the life of me imagine the 4 of us doing so.