Friday, November 28, 2008

The Day After Thanksgiving

All is peace and happiness here, at least for a moment - I thought I'd record it just in case I forget later that peace actually does happen around here. More often than not, if I were honest with myself. Some things that have brought peace with them:

The rain has passed, the sun is out - I can see the bright pink spot of the 8 year old girl next door as she swings back and forth.

The boys and I rebuilt their enormous toy castle for the first time in two years, and they are growling happily at one another in their best English accents. Besiegers have shown up, and they are brave men dealing handily with them.

My fridge is full of leftovers that are calling my name.

Dinner last night was wonderful - quiet and full of good food, including a spectacular bird created by Husband. He is earning the title "Master of Turkey" the hard way.

Tomorrow we might gather enough energy to put up the Christmas tree - the earliest ever in this house. Why not enjoy it for an entire month?

I spent 1 1/2 hours on the phone with my 88 year old grandfather last night; he's getting a little frail but still has a mind like a steel trap. We talked about everything from politics to Hannah Montana to random bits of family history. He revealed that his uncle (a man I've never heard of before) worked around the world for the precursor of Bectel, and once offered him a job in Venezuela. Who knew? If I had six months to sit and listen and write it all down, what a book his life would make. True of anyone who is cruising towards 89 I would bet. It was so good to hear him the same as ever.

I also talked to my aunt and cousins, and heard my aunt brag about her older daughter for what must be the first time in over 20 years. My cousin has been through a rough time, and now is working and succeeding and has found some measure of peace. I could hear the joy in her mother's voice like I've never heard before. It was beautiful.

All is well with us - hope all is well with you. Blessings.


SarahHub said...

What a picture-perfect day!

Elizabeth Channel said...

Sounds relaxing!

Funny, my aunt works for Bectel--has done so for like 35 years. She never had children but was a dedicated worker, and she's traveled a great deal through the years. Smallish world...

Such a blessing to still have your grandfather.