Monday, March 31, 2008

Obama on future grandchildren

This is sick: "But if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby."

Three points here: first, this statement shows that, in an "off the cuff" moment, Obama really thinks children are less of a blessing and more of a duty ("duty" = me being kind). Second, I know a number of women whose lives have been so blessed by an "accident" - be they married or unmarried. Children change lives - for good if we let God work. Our relationship with our children is the closest we get to having any understanding of how much our Father loves us. Finally, what is his alternative? Abortion? Hello?! How traumatic is that?! Even the women I've known who are "pro-choice" and who've had an abortion have grieved, while being told that nothing is the matter, why are they so unhappy? That's the real punishment, but God forbid Obama and his ilk ever admit it.

Sorry for a little incoherence; I've had my sleepy tea already and am ready to call it a day.

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