Monday, May 19, 2008

Good News

This story from the UK has encouraging news about finding not just another antibiotic, but an actual cure for MRSA.

Both my boys carry staph, and while we've never found out for sure that it's MRSA, it's still worrisome. The pediatricians here in Houston really freak out about it - a predicable reaction since they've had kids die at TCH from MRSA. Our worst scare with it happened in Mexico last year, when one of the two MRSA-approved antibiotics failed to work. One's foot swelled up like a balloon, and the TCH doctors recommended a second antibiotic, a sulfa drug. The doctor in Mexico, thankfully, wanted nothing to do with 2 antibiotics at once (especially since there are sulfa allergies in both my family and Husband's). Instead she gave One good old Erythromycin; his foot was back to normal in 2 days. As easy as that was in the end, I'd love to know that our staph days were at an end; maybe in a few years I'll get my wish.

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