Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Michele has a thankfulness list up, and since it’s the season, here’s mine. We’re going with Michele’s theme of small, nice things to be thankful for, on the premise that you already can guess I’m terribly thankful for God, my husband, the boys, the dogs, Ecclesia, blah blah blah. I am immensely grateful for:

My iPod and its cute little player I keep at work
My Nikon
The boys’ school
New York Bagels that are still warm when you buy them in the morning
Jonny Quest reruns
Robbie’s music at church
Houston restaurants
Whataburger breakfast tacos
The fact that Husband is cooking the turkey again this year
Boys big enough to bathe themselves
The sunshine today
The few pairs of shoes I own that don’t hurt
Not having gained any more weight for 6+ months
Sleeping in on Saturdays while the boys watch TV
James Lileks
P.G. Wodehouse
My cleaning lady
Oatmeal chocolate chip cookies
My bed: the most comfortable one in the world
Kate, Michele, Elizabeth, Sarah, Liz, Tony, Missy, Nina, Meg, CC, JMom, MoziEsme, and Jen
Online CLE
Toasted English muffins with butter and peanut butter

1 comment:

SarahHub said...

I love your list - I should do this myself. And I'm honored to have made it on the list! I'm thankful for you, too. Isn't it amazing how much you can like someone you've never even seen in person?