Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Lunchtime Singer

One and his friends got into a music discussion yesterday at lunch, and he took it on the chin for some of his choices. In particular, he announced that he liked Amazing Grace, and proceeded to belt out the first verse. Twice. Thank goodness they eat outside. He sang to hoots of derision, but he sang all the same, and hadn’t changed his opinion by the evening. He told me his friends liked “modern rock” and he didn’t know what that was and wasn’t sure he liked it. I gave him some examples and he realized he did have something in common with them, even given their hatred of Amazing Grace. So he’s off to school today to announce that he didn’t realize they meant Green Day, No Doubt, Good Charlotte and Everclear, because he likes them too. But he wanted to add he also likes The Lads, Van Morrison and Bob Marley, and he’s not going to give up liking Amazing Grace any time soon.

I’m so proud of my dorky child who sticks to his guns! And to him, Amazing Grace isn’t a stuffy hymn – it’s something that Robbie sings most Sundays these days, and if Robbie sings it, it’s on One’s list. Then again, Robbie could stand on his head and sing The Chipmunk’s Christmas Song and One would be all over it. Seriously though, my son thinks of music as an act of worship as well as something enjoyable and fun: how can I not be proud of that!?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

so cute!
you've raised him well!