Monday, June 30, 2008

Too Many Choices

I've always appreciated the point that Barbara Curtis makes about one difference between Protestants and Catholics. As a returned Catholic (and former evangelical Protestant), Barbara laments the attitude that many Protestants have about church: if I don't exactly "fit" at this particular church (or denomination), I switch to this one over here.

I have to confess: I've done this myself. Raised a (fairly unwilling) Baptist, I chose a Presbyterian church when I moved to Houston. This past year I left that church and moved to a non-denominational one. Now I've learned today that close friends from this new church are moving to another non-denominational one, and that's what's spurred me to write on this.

DISCLAIMER: I am not calling out or picking on these friends. They are devoted, loving Christians and I trust their desire to make the right decision for themselves. Please, if you read this - I am not piling on you - don't think it for a minute.

Nevertheless, my own shifting and moving from one place to another spiritually has caused me distress: I want the Church to be one body. I don't want people to move from one congregation to another because of "fit". I don't know if this distress I feel is leading me towards the Catholic church, as it did Barbara, but some days I think it is.

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