Monday, June 2, 2008

Eight: the New Thirteen?

One has an attitude. Oh my yes, such an attitude. Things come out of his mouth and we continually think "is this puberty? - God help us!" He says whatever he thinks about everything (usually negative things in a sassy voice) and continually lectures anyone he can get his hands on until they put their hands over their ears and run screaming from the room. He's always been pedantic and stubborn - he once argued through an entire meal that he wasn't stubborn - but he has reached new heights in the past few months. I wish I could give you specific examples, but right this instant he's behaving himself, and I prefer not to start drinking before lunch (which is what I would do if I recalled all of his recent sins). decribes the 8 year old as follows:

"The eight-year old has much to learn about character this year. He can be rude, obnoxious, critical, and impatient. He thinks that he knows more than he really does, and comes off as a know-it-all. He likes to argue and is critical of others. He tends to blow up at his mother, friends, and especially siblings."
Yup. That's him. Please pray for me - especially that I can find a babysitter to put up with him now and again! :)


Missy said...

Guess this explains why I didn't enjoy teaching 2nd grade. AND most of them were only children. They were delightful.

Tari said...

When we went to his parent/ student/teacher conference last week his teacher was talking about his class and saying that math and reading weren't a problem for most of the kids, but that when it came to social skills, well ... It was pretty funny. She's very diplomatic (and patient and kind, and basically a saint - let's admit it), but it was still funny. They are a nice group of kids - I can't think of one I wouldn't want One to bring home to play - but she's right. They are all too smart and a little too socially inept. My nerdy little baby!