Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Christopher Hitchens Fan Club - Charter Member

Christopher Hitchens on Hillary and genocide in Bosnia:

"Sen. Clinton now has the obscene urge to claim the raped and slaughtered people of Bosnia as if their misery and death were somehow to be credited to her account! Words begin to fail one at this point. Is there no such thing as shame? Is there no decency at last? Let the memory of the truth, and the exposure of the lie, at least make us resolve that no Clinton ever sees the inside of the White House again."


Read the whole thing, as Instapundit would say.

I love Hitchens, most of all because he's an equal-opportunity truth-teller: if you're lying, he'll write about it. If you have a great idea, he'll write about it. It doesn't matter that the man is a communist; he attacks and commends individuals on both ends of the political spectrum using reason, logic and common sense (and some of the most luscious, scathing put-downs you'll ever read). We are blessed to have him to read.

In case you're wondering about my political leanings, never fear: I'll have plenty to say about Mr. Last-in-my-class-at-Annapolis once the conventions are over. :)

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