Saturday, April 19, 2008


This whole week has been a stand-off with Two about food. He's never been good about food, at least not since we switched to solid food from his super-nutritious homemade baby food. Every step has been a battle, and we've taken them one small step at a time. First, he wouldn't drink milk, so how to get him enough calcium? Then, he hated meat, so we worked on other proteins, and finally he gave in and ate meat too. Fiber was a fun little fight at some point as well. Our last big hurdle has been fruits and vegetables.

Despite the title of this post, I'm not entirely ready to land on the flight deck and claim victory, but we went into this week with him on something close to hunger strike, and today he ate 4 servings of fruits and vegetables. Praise God! I think he finally understands that healthy foods are his only choices, but that he does have choices, and if he wants to be the only 5 year old who doesn't like raw baby carrots, so be it. Today he ate apples with unsweetened peanut butter as a snack, then a full serving each of broccoli and cauliflower for dinner. Dessert was pure sneakiness on my part - chocolate pudding made with avocados (so good you'd never believe it). But so what? We got to 4!

Real victory will be when he eats 4-5 servings of fruit and veg a day for at least a week. I'm not done praying about this, and I'm sure he'll have his sugar-high-induced backslides now and again, but we're on the path, finally.

PS As you can tell, I've been doing most of my thinking online today. I have more serious things to post, but it's been a sunny spring day, so I thought some fluff was in order. Besides, it's about all I have the brain for right now - I'm feeling a little Pooh-ish.

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