Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Day Four

I promised myself I would wait a full week before blathering on again about Two and his eating habits, but ...

Four days in a row! He has eaten 4-5 fruits/veg for 4 days in a row! Tonight he moaned about his califlower, but he traded the 1 piece of zucchini I'd put in there just for this purpose for eating all of the califlower, even though he didn't like the taste. He's been begging me for mac and cheese, too, which sounds normal, but not for Two. He's never been big on mixed textures, so mac and cheese has never been something he'd eat. I actually think adding the butternut squash to it has made it more palatable, not less, because super creamy foods tend to wig him out the most (he still couldn't drink a glass of milk by itself for all the chocolate cake in the world). The squash makes it lighter, and of course sweeter, which means he cleans his plate. I have to say - it's the best mac and cheese I've ever tasted. I'll post the recipe in a bit.

One has been very encouraging, which is sweet to see. He knows when I hide veggies, and he has been very responsible about not spilling the beans (or broccoli, avocado, what have you).

I'm just praying this continues. We'll all eat better if it does.

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