Saturday, July 19, 2008

Happy Campers

What did you think of summer camp as a child? What does it say about you as an adult? Here's an article that tries to work it all out for us: It divides the camping world into different categories:

"People (like myself) who didn't enjoy camp tend to have a problem engaging in organized activities of all kinds. Later in life we often become criminals or sociopaths."

"Some people hated camp so much that they made their parents bring them home...The come-and-get-me set grow up to be neurotic and needy."

"Some people enjoy camp. These people grow up to be normal."

"Some people really, really enjoy camp. These are the people for whom childhood represented the zenith of human existence and everything that followed an anticlimax."

"The final category is people who really, really, really enjoy camp. These are the camp cultists. Camp cultists grow up to be chief executive officers of major corporations, name partners in Wall Street banking firms, Cabinet secretaries, governors, and presidents of prestigious foundations."

Where do you fall? I'm, uh, going to keep my, uh, own camp experiences to myself, thanks. But please, go ahead and share --- are you normal?

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