Thursday, July 10, 2008

Slacker Moms Unite!

I've been participating in Works for me Wednesday via Rocks in my Dryer, and I've also been looking around for other blog carnivals to be in. Sort of hard, since this blog doesn't fall firmly into one particular category. Yes it's mostly a mommy blog, but I can't help snark about politics now and then, and I like to write about other random things when the mood strikes me.

The carnival I can't find, but one I'd love to join, is The Carnival of Slacker Moms. We could share pictures of unfolded laundry, tips on how to not let anyone guess it's been 4 days since you bathed the children, and lessons on how to teach your children to work the TiVo by themselves.

The one problem? We'd never get around to it.

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