Thursday, July 31, 2008

Two in One Bed

For the past 2 weeks Two has been sleeping in One's bed with him. It started with a nightmare, fueled by the boy's recent obsession with Jonny Quest episodes. Then another night passed, and another, and they looked so cute snuggled in one bed together we just kept throwing Two in there. One has been very patient, and to be honest, Two is good as gold - he just passes out as soon as the lights go off.

I never thought I'd see 2 boys - brothers - sleep together like that and be happy. This is what comes of being an only child, I guess. I want so much for them to remain that close. I know that fairly soon they won't fit into one twin bed together, but if they can stay that close in their hearts, I will feel such a great sense of pride and peace.

Aaaaah, brothers.

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